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Why Are Breast Reduction Patients Mammoplasty So Happy Post Operatively?

Why Are Breast Reduction Patients Mammoplasty So Happy Post Operatively?

Almost every single patient that has had a breast reduction mammoplasty procedure performed by Dr. Yunaev regrets only one thing – not having it sooner. The breast reduction mammoplasty is a genuinely transformative procedure that has a significant impact on your day-to-day quality of life.

The breast reduction procedure is known to produce very positive results for both women and men (in men this is known as gynaecomastia surgery). Women with large or sagging breasts often find that the procedure provides relief for back, neck, and shoulder pain, and also reduces unwanted attention to the chest area. 

As this procedure is suitable for people of all ages via a variety of different approaches, a consultation with Dr. Yunaev at Breast & Body Clinic is your first step to enjoying the happiness shared by post-breast reduction patients everywhere.

What are the Benefits of the Breast Reduction Procedure?

One of the primary reasons women with large breasts opt for the breast reduction procedure is relief from chronic back, neck and shoulder pain. A larger chest can also restrict activity or cause clothing and bras to feel uncomfortable, a reduction can help with all of this.

For men, “man boobs” can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort, making them feel less confident when going shirtless at the beach or in the change room. Gynaecomastia surgery can help restore a man’s chest size to a fitter, more youthful look in balance with the rest of your body.

Those who undergo breast reduction surgery notice significant and positive changes to their day-to-day life. Carrying less weight, a better fitting wardrobe, less pain and a more youthful appearance, all contribute to a greater sense of happiness.

What are my Options When it Comes to a Breast Reduction?

As there are a few methods available when it comes to a breast reduction, your current breast size, shape, and the amount that needs to be removed all comes into play. The position of your nipples and the quality of your skin will also determine the pattern of incision for your procedure.

The options include the wise pattern, vertical scar and Bennelli method, all of which retain blood and nerve supply. If an exceptionally massive reduction is required, there is a possibility of needing a nipple graft, which is extremely rare in modern breast surgery.

Does the Breast Reduction Also Involve Liposuction?

There is a liposuction style breast reduction which lessens the risk of permanent scarring while also decreasing pain and recovery time. When performed with liposuction, the breast reduction can decrease the breast size from one to three cups. 

Your consultation with Dr. Michael Yunaev will confirm if this procedure is the best for your situation. 

Want the Happiness that the Breast Reduction can Offer in your Life?

If you are a man or woman with large or sagging breasts, make a change that will have a positive impact on your life. Book a consultation with Dr. Yunaev to have your situation evaluated, along with your medical history, to obtain all of the necessary information relevant to you. You can learn about the breast reduction procedure and the positive impacts it can have on your everyday life, including risks and benefits.

The team at Breast & Body Clinic is standing by on (02) 9819 7449 or via email at There is no need to suffer as a result of large breasts, make a positive change in your life today.

Have a question for Dr Yunaev on this procedure?

Your question will be answered within 24 hours by Dr Yunaev; a Specialist Breast and General Surgeon with extensive training and experience.

  • Why Are Breast Reduction Patients Mammoplasty So Happy Post Operatively?
  • Why Are Breast Reduction Patients Mammoplasty So Happy Post Operatively?
  • Why Are Breast Reduction Patients Mammoplasty So Happy Post Operatively?
  • Why Are Breast Reduction Patients Mammoplasty So Happy Post Operatively?

“My team and I are committed to tailoring a personalised approach to you and your concerns so that you may benefit from our expertise and we can meet your expectations.” Dr Michael Yunaev
MS (Breast Surgery), BreastSurgANZ Breast Fellow, Aesthetic Breast and Body Fellow, FRACS (General Surgery), MPH, BMedSc (Hons).

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