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Mummy Makeover Sydney

A combination of surgical procedures that aim to restore your pre-pregnancy body. Consists of a combination of procedures that normally include Breast Augmentation With Lift (Mammoplasty) and Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) surgeries.

Mummy Makeovers

Mummy Makeovers Sydney

Treatment Overview

Dr Yunaev specialises in offering patients with surgical solutions for a rejuvenated aesthetic post-pregnancy.

These procedures aim to restore the patient’s pre-pregnancy body, and consists of a combination of procedures that normally include breast augmentation with lift and tummy tuck surgeries.

The Mummy Makeover surgery package is composed of a combination of techniques to provide patients with a harmonious result and achieves a pre-pregnancy aesthetic appearance. More and more women are turning to cosmetic surgery after pregnancy to help reinstate a sense of confidence and normality after the experience of childbirth and the weight fluctuations that often come with it.

This surgery is tailored to each patient’s needs and may include:

It is important to note that as a result of the tailored surgery, a consultation is required to estimate the cost. While this can be a cosmetic surgery procedure, it is also partly a reconstructive procedure in many cases that is necessary to correct abdominal abnormalities caused by pregnancy or to treat macromastia with its associated effects.

  • St Luke’s Clinic, Potts Point
  • Norwest Private Hospital, Bella Vista
  • St Jude Street Specialist Centre, Bowral

Breast Augmentation
A breast augmentation works to enlarge the size of the bust and can be the solution to some mildly droopy breasts, asymmetry, tuberous breasts, and a lack of self-confidence. It can include the use of implants and be combined with the breast lift mastopexy procedure. Breast augmentation surgery does not correct significantly droopy breasts; this is where the breast lift mastopexy mentioned above may be a more suitable option.

Possible Procedures
The Mummy Makeover can be made up of a number of procedures based on what may be necessary to help achieve your body goals. The following is a brief breakdown of some of the possible procedures and their benefits:

Breast Lift/Mastopexy
The goal of a Breast Lift/Mastopexy is the firming and reshaping of a breast that has lost these aesthetics as a result of pregnancy. The procedure aims to restore breast position and firmness, and in some cases may elevate the nipple, improve symmetry, and lessen the excess tissue at the bottom of the breast.

In some cases, women wish to combine the breast lift mastopexy procedure with another to achieve extra volume in their breasts. There is a number of options for this, and it is worth considering that combining surgeries can reduce the impact of recovery and sometimes cost. If you are considering something along these lines, mention it during your consultation to help determine the best way forward.

Breast Reduction Mammoplasty
In the case of large or sagging breasts, the breast mammoplasty reduction can provide more comfort or relief for back, neck, and shoulder pain. Sometimes, large breasts can bring unwanted attention, which makes a woman feel uncomfortable in public; the breast reduction mammoplasty can help create a more natural look that suits the rest of the body shape.

Further to the cosmetic benefits of a breast reduction mammoplasty, this procedure can help alleviate chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain as well as skin irritation under the breasts and issues with clothing fits.

Tummy Tuck/ Abdominoplasty
Also known as abdominoplasty, a Tummy Tuck remove sagging skin and excess fat from the abdomen and can also work to repair separated muscles or hernias if required. After pregnancy, you may experience a bulge that has been caused by excess skin or fat; the tummy tuck can help to create a flatter, firmer abdomen.

An abdominoplasty can be partly a reconstructive procedure that can correct abdominal abnormalities caused by pregnancy or relieve structural defects of the abdomen as well as various other benefits.

Liposuction improves the body’s contours by removing excess fat to slim and reshape specific areas of the body. It can permanently remove stubborn fat, tighten the skin and fine-tune the curves of the body with minimal downtime required.

The results of liposuction are dependent on your lifestyle choices post-procedure. The fat cells that have been removed as a result of the procedure will not grow back; however, weight gain can happen as per usual meaning that you may experience a larger version of your new shape if you do put on more weight. Liposuction is often performed on the abdomen, breasts, and hips in the case of a Mummy Makeover. There are, however, other areas that can benefit from this procedure, including the outer, inner, and anterior thighs, knees, arms, buttocks, cheeks, and neck.

Hear Dr Yunaev talk about

“What Is A Mummy Makeover Key Things You Need To Know”

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“Mummy Makeover”

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Before & After Gallery

How Breast and Body Clinic Can Help

The Importance of Body Confidence Post-Pregnancy

What Kind Of Procedures Feature In A Mummy Makeover?

How Do I Know This Is Right for Me?

Why Choose Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question for Dr Yunaev on this procedure?

Your question will be answered within 24 hours by Dr Yunaev; a Specialist Breast and General Surgeon with extensive training and experience.

  • Mummy Makeovers (Combined Breast and Abdomen Surgery) Sydney
  • Mummy Makeovers (Combined Breast and Abdomen Surgery) Sydney
  • Mummy Makeovers (Combined Breast and Abdomen Surgery) Sydney
  • Mummy Makeovers (Combined Breast and Abdomen Surgery) Sydney

“My team and I are committed to tailoring a personalised approach to you and your concerns so that you may benefit from our expertise and we can meet your expectations.” Dr Michael Yunaev
MS (Breast Surgery), BreastSurgANZ Breast Fellow, Aesthetic Breast and Body Fellow, FRACS (General Surgery), MPH, BMedSc (Hons).

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