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Tuberous Breast Correction Sydney

Transform the look of tuberous breasts, achieving a fuller and more harmonious contour with a Tuberous Breast Correction.

Tuberous Breast

Tuberous Breast Correction

Surgery Overview

Gain confidence in your breasts and become your own biggest fan with tuberous breast surgery.

Our Sydney based tuberous breast surgery is a highly personalised augmentation or reduction mammoplasty procedure. Different cases of this congenital deformity can be very specific and very challenging and truly reconstructive and our Sydney based Breast and Cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Yunaev, provides a tailored plan for each patient to achieve their desired improvements.

The correction process for a patient with tuberous breasts requires a careful assessment by Dr. Yunaev to analyse your breast development and understand the deficiencies that require correction
or improvement.

Hear Dr Yunaev talk about

“Breast Lift Mastopexy Alone Vs Mastopexy With Implants Or With Fat Grafting”

YouTube video

Hear Dr Yunaev talk about

“When Should You Consider An Implant When Having A Breast Lift Mastopexy”

YouTube video

This can lead to an underdeveloped breast that remains small in size. It is also important to note that each breast can be affected differently, explaining why one may be more severe than the other.

Mild Tuberosity in Tubular Breasts
In some cases, only a mild-type of tuberous breast may be present. If this is the case and a fair amount of breast tissue exists, an implant based procedure may be a good solution. This may differ slightly from a standard Breast Augmentation as it involves a lowering and reshaping of the fold beneath the breast. This process should correct the connection shape of the breast to the chest while lessening the gap between the breasts, increasing the inframammary fold.

Severe Tuberous Breasts
Pronounced or severe cases of tuberous breast development are unlikely to be rectified by a single breast implant alone. The situation may even see breast tissue envelope near the nipple, which is not wide enough for a breast implant. The breast may need to be reshaped surgically to achieve the desired result.

In some of these cases, adding an implant slightly wider than the existing breast can achieve the desired outcome when the pocket of the breast is shaped with a lowering and reshaping the inframammary crease. This should result in a much more visually pleasing rounded breast. Excess skin or tissue will be trimmed to create a new skin envelope with the nipple being moved in some cases.

Before & After Gallery

Understanding Tuberous Breasts

What Has Likely Been the Cause?

What Can Tuberous Breast Surgery Do For Me?

Are You a Good Candidate?

Why Choose Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question for Dr Yunaev on this procedure?

Your question will be answered within 24 hours by Dr Yunaev; a Specialist Breast and General Surgeon with extensive training and experience.

  • Tuberous Breast Correction
  • Tuberous Breast Correction
  • Tuberous Breast Correction
  • Tuberous Breast Correction

“My team and I are committed to tailoring a personalised approach to you and your concerns so that you may benefit from our expertise and we can meet your expectations.” Dr Michael Yunaev
MS (Breast Surgery), BreastSurgANZ Breast Fellow, Aesthetic Breast and Body Fellow, FRACS (General Surgery), MPH, BMedSc (Hons).

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