Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction Sydney
Treatment Overview
A breast reconstruction is a common surgical procedure for women that can create a natural breast in appearance and form. Breast reconstruction is rewarding both physically and emotionally if a breast has been lost due to cancer or other conditions.
The breast reconstruction procedure rebuilds a new breast to resemble a natural breast, usually performed after a mastectomy.
Types of breast reconstruction
What Can A Breast Reconstruction Do For Me?
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Frequently Asked Questions
Have a question for Dr Yunaev on this procedure?
Your question will be answered within 24 hours by Dr Yunaev; a Specialist Breast and General Surgeon with extensive training and experience.

“My team and I are committed to tailoring a personalised approach to you and your concerns so that you may benefit from our expertise and we can meet your expectations.” Dr Michael Yunaev
MS (Breast Surgery), BreastSurgANZ Breast Fellow, Aesthetic Breast and Body Fellow, FRACS (General Surgery), MPH, BMedSc (Hons).