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Am I A Candidate For A Tubular Breast Deformity Correction?

Am I A Candidate For A Tubular Breast Deformity Correction?

The tuberous breast correction is a surgical procedure with a specific goal. Women who are suffering from a congenital deformity, which can be very common, known as tubular breasts, or hypoplasia, seek this procedure to change the size, shape and appearance of their breasts while increasing self-confidence and comfort levels.

In most cases, a combination of the breast lift and breast augmentation procedures performed by Dr Yunaev at Breast & Body Clinic work to reshape the breast, creating an aesthetically pleasing appearance with a rounded, full, and balanced look.

A consultation with Dr Yunaev is required to determine the specifics of the surgical procedure, along with the type of implants that will create your desired appearance and achieve your goals.

How Do You Know If You Have Tuberous Breasts?

There are several hallmarks that will help identify tuberous breasts. There can often be one or more specific features that affect one or both of the breasts, including:

  • Extremely small and underdeveloped breasts
  • Constriction of tissue at the breast’s base
  • Pointed or drooping breasts
  • Breast asymmetry
  • A large areola
  • Puffy or bulging nipples
  • A broad space between the breasts
  • An abnormally raised breast fold
Tuberous breast correction, before and after 01, BB Clinic Sydney
In most cases, a combination of the breast lift and breast augmentation procedures performed by Dr Yunaev at Breast & Body Clinic work to reshape the breast.

What May Have Caused Your Tuberous Breasts?

The exact cause of tuberous breasts is often unknown. A congenital deformity, there is no available current research that shows a genetic link as causation for tubular breasts. There has also not been any other health problems linked to tuberous breasts.

Regardless, the condition can cause embarrassment, discomfort and emotional issues for women, hence a desire to have the problem rectified.

Are You a Candidate for the Tuberous Breast Procedure?

If the issues listed above apply to you and are causing a constant lack of confidence in your body image, then cosmetic surgery may be an answer.

If your breasts exhibit underdeveloped, cylindrical-shaped breast tissue asymmetry, or large areolas, you may be a suitable candidate for the tuberous breast correction procedure. It is necessary that you are in good general health, as this particular procedure does require anaesthesia.

Breast asymmetry and tuberous breast, before and after surgery 02
There are several hallmarks that will help identify tuberous breasts. There can often be one or more specific features that affect one or both of the breasts.

What To Expect As Part Of The Procedure

It is vital that an experienced breast surgeon performs your tuberous breast correction. Dr Yunaev is regarded as one of the most accomplished breast surgeons in Australia and can help you resolve the condition to instil confidence and comfort in your look.

The procedure will work to create a balanced look and shape to your breasts, refining the areola size and rectifying the high breast crease. It is important to note that each case of tubular breasts is unique, which is why a custom procedure is crucial.

During the tuberous breast correction procedure, you will need to undergo anaesthesia to ensure your comfort. In most cases, the correction only requires one surgery, unless the condition is severe, in which case a staged approach with a tissue expander as the first step may be necessary.

Your custom procedure may involve a breast lift which works to remove excess skin, tightening and reshaping the breast tissue. The duration of the procedure will take between two to three hours; however, as all requirements are unique, the time may vary.

Are You Considering a Solution for your Tuberous Breasts?

Your first step is a consultation with Dr Yunaev to assess the condition of your breasts and to customise a surgical plan to suit your needs. Contact the team at Breast & Body Clinic to book your appointment today; we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have to set you on a path to your new, confident self.

Have a question for Dr Yunaev on this procedure?

Your question will be answered within 24 hours by Dr Yunaev; a Specialist Breast and General Surgeon with extensive training and experience.

  • Am I A Candidate For A Tubular Breast Deformity Correction?
  • Am I A Candidate For A Tubular Breast Deformity Correction?
  • Am I A Candidate For A Tubular Breast Deformity Correction?
  • Am I A Candidate For A Tubular Breast Deformity Correction?

“My team and I are committed to tailoring a personalised approach to you and your concerns so that you may benefit from our expertise and we can meet your expectations.” Dr Michael Yunaev
MS (Breast Surgery), BreastSurgANZ Breast Fellow, Aesthetic Breast and Body Fellow, FRACS (General Surgery), MPH, BMedSc (Hons).

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