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New Regulations in Cosmetic Surgery: What You Need to Know

New Regulations in Cosmetic Surgery: What You Need to Know

You might have heard about the new regulations for cosmetic surgery. As of July 1 2023, these regulations are put in place to change the way that surgeons are allowed to perform and advertise their procedures.

These new rules mainly fall into two categories: how surgeons advertise, and how they practice cosmetic surgery. So what does this mean for potential patients?

If you’re looking into cosmetic surgery, there are some things you might need to know about the new rules. Read on to find out more about these updated regulations.

What you need to know

Ahpra is a national agency that oversees the standard and quality of health services in Australia. Starting July 1 2023, the new Ahpra regulations have come into effect.

Some of these new rules might be particularly relevant to you if you’re thinking about undergoing cosmetic surgery. For example:

GP Referrals

One of the most notable changes is that every cosmetic surgery patient must have a referral from their GP.

Cosmetic surgery is any surgery that is done for cosmetic, as opposed to health-related, reasons. Reconstructive surgery, on the other hand, is surgery that is performed to restore the body after trauma or injury. Patients now need referrals for cosmetic surgery, which is elective surgery.

A GP has more knowledge of your medical history and can pass on any relevant information if necessary.


Cosmetic surgeons are also now required to provide clear information about their qualifications, as well as risks and recovery, which has to be easily found. There are also stricter rules about advertising on social media.

What do these changes achieve?

If you get cosmetic surgery, it is vital that the cosmetic surgeon provides an environment in which you feel that your health and well-being are a priority.

These changes mean that you’re more protected against content that could negatively affect your mental health and self-perception. The changes also safeguard both the patient and the surgeon, helping to keep the facts clear, maintain transparency, and helping to avoid problems later down the track.

Learn more from Dr Michael Yunaev

With these new regulatory changes in place since July 1 2023, both surgeons and patients are further supported and protected – through accurate representations of surgery in advertising and revised practice guidelines.

Dr Yunaev at Breast and Body Clinic is an experienced surgeon who aims to prioritise patient needs and well-being. Speak to our team to find out more about these regulatory changes and how they help safeguard your surgery experience.

Have a question for Dr Yunaev on this procedure?

Your question will be answered within 24 hours by Dr Yunaev; a Specialist Breast and General Surgeon with extensive training and experience.

  • New Regulations in Cosmetic Surgery: What You Need to Know
  • New Regulations in Cosmetic Surgery: What You Need to Know
  • New Regulations in Cosmetic Surgery: What You Need to Know
  • New Regulations in Cosmetic Surgery: What You Need to Know

“My team and I are committed to tailoring a personalised approach to you and your concerns so that you may benefit from our expertise and we can meet your expectations.” Dr Michael Yunaev
MS (Breast Surgery), BreastSurgANZ Breast Fellow, Aesthetic Breast and Body Fellow, FRACS (General Surgery), MPH, BMedSc (Hons).

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