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What Benefits Does a Male Breast Reduction Mammoplasty Procedure Offer?

What Benefits Does a Male Breast Reduction Mammoplasty Procedure Offer?

For men, gynaecomastia, or male breast reduction Mammoplasty surgery helps to decrease the size of enlarged breasts. Males can develop extra tissue in the chest due to an imbalance of estrogen and testosterone resulting in large breasts, more commonly known as “man boobs.”

Male breast reduction surgery reduces the excess of glandular tissue in the breasts, which can often appear quite feminine. The procedure involves excisional surgery and liposuction to restore a more desirable shape and size to the male breast.

For men, the appearance of “man boobs” can be a source of frustration and embarrassment, especially when at the beach or pool. The situation is worsened when time and energy is spent on things like diet and exercise that seems to have little effect on the condition. This is where people often turn to cosmetic surgery to achieve the look that can change the way they feel about their body.

The Causes of Gynaecomastia

For some men, gynaecomastia is developed during puberty; however, there are other factors that can contribute, including:

  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Prescription medication
  • Steroid use
  • Liver disease
  • Tumors in the brain, adrenal glands, or testicles

Any of these elements can contribute to the development of gynaecomastia. However, if you are experiencing this condition, it is essential to be evaluated to understand what may have caused this condition for you, prior to scheduling a gynaecomastia treatment.  A consultation will help identify the root causes, and make it clearer the specific treatment options available that will help.

The Benefits of Male Breast Reduction

It is important to note that male breast growth is especially common if you are overweight, as the excess fat stores can release estrogen, which causes the growth of the breast tissue. This can lead to “pseudo gynaecomastia,” which does not involve any actual glandular growth.

Slim and muscular men, however, can also develop gynaecomastia, and while those in adolescence may see a natural reduction over time, male breast reduction surgery can help adults who still experience significant size and weight in the chest area.

Surgical male breast reduction, surgery results 01, BB Clinic

The procedure can create any shape or size to the breasts that the patient may desire, allowing you to achieve the look that has so far been unattainable as a result of exercise and diet. The procedure can also help to:

  • Increase self-confidence
  • Achieve the desired shape and tone of the chest area
  • Provide more comfort when shirtless in summer
  • Obtain a more masculine or sporty appearance to your figure
  • A more comfortable clothing fit
  • Less discomfort when running or training

Gynaecomastia Surgery at the Breast and Body Clinic

This cosmetic procedure is often a solution for men who have seen no change to the size or shape of their chest as a result of diet and exercise alone.

If you are interested in this procedure, it is critical that you book a consultation with Dr. Yuneav at the Breast and Body Clinic to clarify any concerns that you may have, and to be properly assessed, with having all of your questions answered. This will also help to confirm that the procedure is suitable for your situation and goals.

Contact us today to book your consultation and let’s get you on the path to improved self-confidence and comfort.


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  • What Benefits Does a Male Breast Reduction Mammoplasty Procedure Offer?
  • What Benefits Does a Male Breast Reduction Mammoplasty Procedure Offer?
  • What Benefits Does a Male Breast Reduction Mammoplasty Procedure Offer?
  • What Benefits Does a Male Breast Reduction Mammoplasty Procedure Offer?

“My team and I are committed to tailoring a personalised approach to you and your concerns so that you may benefit from our expertise and we can meet your expectations.” Dr Michael Yunaev
MS (Breast Surgery), BreastSurgANZ Breast Fellow, Aesthetic Breast and Body Fellow, FRACS (General Surgery), MPH, BMedSc (Hons).

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