We all strive to look and feel healthy, but it does take work. A good diet and regular exercise are continual elements that keep us at or move us towards our weight goals. Staying healthy can be a challenge, but we can all agree that the benefits make it all worthwhile.
If you are a male who has been working hard at achieving a healthier appearance, you will likely be very proud of your efforts and the new look that they have provided you. Losing weight, however, means that your body will go through changes. Your fat cells may shrink while your muscles may grow, not always with an equal distribution. If you begin to experience weight loss, especially if it is quite dramatic, you may be left with loose skin or fat deposits that refuse to dissipate.
What Can Be Done About The Problem Areas Which Are Unaffected By Exercise?
When men experience weight loss, they start to realise that there are some problem areas, mainly the stomach and chest, that fall victim to stubborn fat deposits. This detracts from your weight loss achievements while causing self-confidence issues. Why work hard on your new healthy body if you are too embarrassed to show it off?
Cosmetic surgery offers a solution via a breast reduction procedure for men that can create a flatter and more masculine chest.
Why Am I Experiencing An Issue With My Chest Area?
Men have breast tissue and fat cells just the same as women. Male breasts often store fat that accumulates as they gain weight, but that can also be the result of a hormonal imbalance. A healthy diet and regular exercise will certainly help to reduce the appearance of male breasts, but they aren’t always the full solution. Excess weight fat stored in the breasts can be stubborn. Even if it does disappear, it can leave loose or stretched skin.
How Can Cosmetic Surgery Help Me With This Issue?
There are cosmetic procedures that will not only help to reduce the size of male breasts but can also remove the excess skin, placing it naturally against the chest to help maintain a more natural appearance.
A procedure known as gynaecomastia surgery involves the removal of the areola through which the excess fat in the breast can be lessened via liposuction. After this, any excess skin is also removed, and the nipple is reattached, creating a flatter and more desirable looking chest.
It is important to note that this kind of surgery is a good solution to gynaecomastia if weight gain is the primary cause. If the issue is due to a hormonal imbalance or illness, an assessment will need to be made to determine a different course of action.
Ensuring That Your Surgery Results Are Maintained
If you are in the process of losing weight, it is best to first reach a sustainable size before undergoing this treatment. If you continue to lose weight after the procedure, you may appear disproportionate. It is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and adequate exercise to ensure that the results of your procedure are maintained as new fat cells can always form if you begin to put on weight again.
Interested In A Chest That Matches Your New Physique?
If you have undergone a significant amount of weight loss, first of all, congratulations! You no doubt worked hard to achieve this. If you need a little extra help to target a few remaining areas that are being a little stubborn and unaffected by your efforts, speak to the team at Breast and Body Clinic and organise a consultation with Dr Yunaev today. Be proud of your new body; you’ve earned it!