Do you suffer from excess fatty tissue in your chest that lessens the manly aesthetic? I often treat many patients who suffer from gynaecomastia with a surgical solution, which to date is still regarded as the most effective way to remedy the situation you experience.
For those who are not yet ready for surgery, there is a range of gynaecomastia medication options that may help. Identifying the underlying primary disorder of the breast enlargement is a crucial step in determining the correct course of action. For example, pubertal gynaecomastia often resolves spontaneously within approximately 90% of patients, so is best left without any medical interference in some cases.
Read on for an understanding of some medicinal options that may treat the condition.
Understanding Gynaecomastia
This condition is caused by the benign proliferation of glandular tissue in the male breast. Likely caused by an imbalance in estrogen and androgen activity, there can also be a range of medical conditions associated with gynaecomastia, including hyperthyroidism and chronic liver disease.
Gynaecomastia Treatment Options
Surgical correction offers an immediate cosmetic and symptomatic improvement and is still considered to be the best approach. Other well-known options include:
- Anti-androgen therapies
- Anti-estrogens
- Pharmacological intervention with tamoxifen
- Radiotherapy
While there is no high-quality evidence to support the use of pharmacological agents or radiotherapy, there have been cases of reduction in glandular tissue size after using tamoxifen or raloxifene.
For men who may be taking anti-androgen therapies for prostate cancer it has been determined that serum estrogen receptor modulators (SERMS), aromatase inhibitors or radiotherapy may prevent or reduce the side effect of gynaecomastia and breast pain.
These treatments, along with the surgical options, work to offer the following outcomes:
- A decrease in breast pain
- The identification of possible underlying medical conditions
- Decreased breast size)
- Identification of rare cases of male breast cancer
- Resolution of any negative psychological impact

Surgical Options
There are two primary surgical techniques for the decrease of the male breasts, the first being a more invasive subcutaneous mastectomy which often involves the direct resection of breast tissue using a peri-areolar approach, sometimes combined with liposuction.
The second and less invasive technique uses a minimal surgical incision known as an axillary approach with an endoscopic visualisation and resection.
Asymptomatic gynaecomastia is quite common and does not require intervention, whereas symptomatic gynaecomastia in adult males is often rectified with surgical intervention.
The decision to treat gynaecomastia really comes down to the preferences of the patient and what level of impact it has on their quality of life. The removal of causative medications or a treatment of relevant associated underlying medical conditions is usually the first step, followed by a consideration of surgical correction, or pharmacological therapies and radiotherapy.
Gynaecomastia is a benign condition, and those who do not wish to jump straight to surgery can attempt the following options first:
- Wait to see if the issue rectifies itself over time
- Remove any causative medications or supplements
- Attempt pharmacologic therapy
- Opt for surgical correction
Considering The Surgical Option?
As surgery is still considered the gold standard therapy for symptomatic gynaecomastia, you may wish to opt for treatment straight away to put this issue behind you.
If this is the case, Dr Yunaev at Breast & Body Clinic can help. With many successful procedures of male breast reduction as part of his portfolio, this life-changing surgery, as well as other male-focused options, can be of significant benefit.
Book a consultation today to undergo an evaluation which will determine if this is the best path forward for you. Changing your life with a more positive physical and mental approach is possible, let us help you today.